Latest News Update CBSE Class 12 Board Exam Schedule 2021 By Tuesday: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will officially declare the exam schedule and patterns of the CBSE Class 12 Board Exam by Tuesday. It will declare based on 26 May Feedback that received from states.

The organizer is probably to take a call on the 2nd option of the Central Board of Secondary Education Proposal. According to the proposal, the exam will not assign an external centre. So, the exam will hold the exams in the same school where a student is studying. If the students fail to appear on the first exam due to Covid- 19, so they may get a second chance. Provably the exam will be held in mid-July and will be completed by mid-August.
A Government Official Said (Disagree to disclose the name), we hope to confirm the decision by Tuesday. The effort is to make the decision that will benefit the students and their careers without compromising the safety factors.
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