CAG Result 2021 PDF; Auditor Result Published, A total of 4834 Candidates Selected for Written Exam. The Written Exam will take place very soon and candidates get notification via the registered mobile. In the meantime, all the candidates can collect CAG MCQ Exam Results from the official website.

CAG – Comptroller and Auditor General or The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (OCAG) authority succeed to conduct the exam across the country. The exam was take place on 22nd October 2021 for the CAG Auditor post. Now, a lot of candidates eagerly waiting for CAG Result 2021 for Auditor, Written Exam Date, Latest News, and more.
News Highlight
CAG Result 2021
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) or The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (OCAG) is the most important role in Bangladesh that is also called Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of the country. On 11 May 1973, the government of Bangladesh appointed the first Comptroller and Auditor-General.
CAG or OCAG institute is working for maintaining accounts of the republic and audits all receipts and expenditures of the Government of Bangladesh. Every year the authority declares vacancy notices for Bangladeshi people. According to the news report, CAG has published a vacancy notice for 323 people across the country. This year CAG Exam was conducted as per the following date.
Event Name | CAG Result |
Post Name | Auditor General |
Grade | 13th Grade |
Exam Date | 22nd October 2021 |
Exam Type | MCQ |
When will publish CAG Result 2021
Generally, most government departments declare their recruitment exam result after 10 to 15 days of the exam. Meanwhile, CAG Authority conducted CAG Auditor Exam on 22nd October 2021. That’s why a huge number of candidates will be excited to know the result date.
In 2021, CAG Result 2021 has been published officially on 26th October 2021 that is 4 days after the exam. The Auditor Result sheet of the MCQ Exam was generated by the authority and signed on 25th October by Mohammad Abul Hafez, ADCAG. The relevant source said that candidates can collect their results on Tuesday, 26th October from the official website.
A total of 4 thousand and 834 candidates passed on Auditor post and they are selected for the written exam. Selected candidates will be notified through their registered mobile number for the written exam.
CAG Result 2021 PDF: How to collect within a few seconds
- Step 01: Firstly, you will have to open the official web portal of Comptroller and Auditor General. For this, you need to write in the address bar of your internet browser.
- Step 02: You have copy the official URL and paste into the address bar to open the official web portal. After that, simply tap on Go button to enter the website directly.
- Step 03: Once you successfully entered on the CAG Web Portal, you have to findout the recent notice. The recent notice board will available in the top of this page.
- Step 04: When you get the menu, simply click on there. After that, you will able to see most recent notice under this menu.
- Step 05: Simply tap on the notice that named “CAG Result 2021”. Then the result sheet will load automatically.
- Step 06: Finally, tap on the download button to save the file to your device. The downloading process will start automatically and saved into your device as well.

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According to the news report of OgroNews.Com, the result has been published on 26th October 2021
Every candidate can collect their exam results from the official website of the Comptroller and Auditor General:
CAG Authority told that they will notify the written exam date to those candidates who are passed on MCQ Exam.
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