NU Extended Degree 1st Year Form Fill Up 2021 Date News Update: National University (NU) Authority has been declared a new date and time of Form Fill Up application for Degree 1st Year (Pass Course). According to the notice, the form fill-up application will start on 14th November 2021 for the session 2019-20.
Previously, National University declared it on 27th September and the application’s last date was 23rd October 2021. Now, the authority has been extended the application date and time. It will be good news for those students who failed to complete the Degree 1st Year Form Fill Up process.
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Degree 1st Year Form Fill Up 2021: Extended Application Date
The students of National University Degree 1st Year (Pass Course) might know that the application has been ended on 23rd October 2021. Provably, a huge number of students will be failed to complete the process within the deadline. This is the reason that National University declared a new date officially.
Generally, NU extended form fill-up date for Honours, Degree, or Masters Course. Most of the time, the authority did not share the reason for this. However, on Sunday, 7th November 2021, National University declared a new date of Form Fill Up for Degree 1st Year-2020.
The server will open on 14th November to submit the form. Students need to fill-up the online form within 2nd December 2021. The conditions will be unmodified as per the previous notice that was published on 27th September this year.
The notice has been signed by Badruzzaman, Examination Controller of National University.

How to submit application form online
- First of all, candidates need to visit the official webpage of National University. For this, they need to open using any internet browser.
- Now, they need to enter the registration number into the first box.
- Finally, Degree 1st Year Form will be visible on the screen. Simply, click on download button to save the PDF file into SD Card or PC.
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