National University has published Degree 3rd Year Exam Routine 2022 for the session 2017-18. The exam will take place on July 30, 2022, for the academic year 2021.
The Board Exam Routine for Degree Pass and Certification Course (Exam-2020) session 2017-18 has been published today, June 2, 2022, by National University Authority. The first exam of the Degree Final Year will be held on July 30, 2022, according to the exam routine. Candidates must know about the exam date and time which can be collected from the official website.
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Degree 3rd Year Exam Routine 2022: Routine Overview
Earlier, National University declared the date and time for Degree 3rd Year Form Fill Up. As per this, the online form fill-up process was started on April 7, 2022, and continues till May 17, 2022. Later, the date has been extended till June 15, 2022. But, the authority published the routine before completing the form fill-up process.
As per the press release published by National University, the Degree 3rd Year Exam going to take place on July 30, 2022. For this, Degree 3rd Year Exam Routine 2022 has been published through the official website. The first exam “English” will be held on July 30, 2022, which is a compulsory subject for BA, BSS, BSC, and BMU.
The exam date has been declared by an office order signed by Saiful Islam Nishat, Sub-Exam Controller of National University.
NU Degree 3rd Year Routine 2022 for 2017-18 Session
National University has published the exam routine for Degree 3rd Year Final Exam. According to the routine, the first exam “English” going to be held on July 30, 2022. The exam will start at 01:30 PM and will continue as per the duration mentioned in the question.
The next exam “Math/Library and Information Science/classical music” 5th Paper will take place on August 1, 2022. On the other hand, the Chemistry/History/History of Islam 5th Paper exam will be held on August 2, 2022.
All the exams will be conducted as per Degree 3rd Year Exam Routine 2022. For this, the students who are going to participate in the Degree 3rd Year (Final Year) Exam must collect the exam routine from the official website.
Step to collect Degree 3rd Year Exam Routine 2022
Every year National University published the exam routine through the official website. Anyone can view or download the exam routine from there.
To view or collect Degree 3rd Year Routine, students must follow the instructions given below.
- Step 1: First of all, you will need to open a new tap from your internet browser. For this, tap on the plus sign from the browser.
- Step 2: Type the official web address ( or of the National University into the address bar.
- You will see the home page once you hit enter.
- Simply find out the recent notice on the main page or click on “notice” from the main menu.
- Click on the “Degree 3rd Year Routine 2022” from the notices available on the page.
- Once the routine is displayed on your screen, simply click on the “Download” button.
- Simply, save it as a pdf file on your device to use it later.

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(The above news first appeared on Ogro News on June 2, 2022, at 07:47 PM BST – Bangladesh Standard Time. For more news on Education, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, Festivals, Celebrities, Lifestyle, and Trending News, so bookmark our news portal Also, like our official Facebook Page, and Follow us on Twitter at @ogronewsbd).