Do you want to know JSC Result 2021 Publish Date? So here you will get the official date and time of the result. According to the official notice, JSC Result will be published on 31 May 2021. Last year JSC Result date was 31st December 2020.

Every student will be looking for the result publish date. Because this is very important for every JSC Examine. If you one of them, so this article only for you. Because today I am going to share the official date and time JSC Result.
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When JSC Result 2021 will publish?
It is a common question of every examine of JSC Exam 2021. They stay very curious about their JSC Exam Result. Because the JSC Exam (Junior School Certificate) is most important for an education career. So students try to know about JSC Exam Result 2021 publishing date.
If you are a JSC examine of this year so you can get the proper idea of the JSC Result 2021 publishing date from our website.
JSC Result Publish Date: 30 December
JSC Result 2021 Publish Date of All Education Board:
The minister of education board Bangladesh will JSC Result 2021 publish on 30 December 2021 of Bangladesh education. All Education Board will publish their JSC Exam Result at the same time and date. About 24,69000 students participated in the JSC Exam.
Every student or candidate and their Guardian can get JSC Result 2021 easily after the result publishing. All education board JSC Result 2021 will publish at 02:00 PM of Bangladesh in real-time. The result will publish on the Bangladesh education board Official website. Then every student can collect their JSC Result 2021 easily.
JSC Result 2021 officially publishing Date:
JSC Examine was very excited about the JSC Exam Routine of this year. After getting JSC Routine, examine take the hard preparation of the JSC Exam. Now the JSC exam is finished. So this time every student waiting for JSC Result. Every student wants to know about the official publishing date of JSC Result 2021. It is very important for every student or candidate.
It is also very curious not only for JSC exam candidates but also for every Guardian of JSC Examine. We are working hard to publish the exact date of the official JSC result publish date. The official date of the JSC Result 2021 publishing date is 30 December 2021. You can get your result after 02:00 pm from the online or mobile SMS method. Visit our previous article to know how to get JSC Result 2021 online and how to get JSC Result 2021 by SMS.
Thanks for visiting here to know JSC Result 2021 Date. I hope you are the success to know about this. If you feel this article is important for JSC to examine 2021, so please share this article. You can share this article with your friend’s circle to help them to know about JSC Result 2021 publish date. Thank you so much for being with OgroNews.Com.