Home » BTEB Result » Youtube Vanced App shut down due to legal threat from Google

Youtube Vanced App shut down due to legal threat from Google

Youtube Vanced App Latest Update: The excellent Youtube alternative YouTube Vanced App finally shut down after a legal threat from Google. This is one of the best apps which is allowed you to watch ad-free videos, minimize while playing video.

There are a few unofficial YouTube app that allows watching YouTube Video like premium. YouTube Vanced is also one of them. But, there are millions of users who are using Youtube Vanced App instead official YouTube App. The app become more popular across the world for its amazing features. However, the app is being discontinued, after getting a legal threat from Google.

What is Youtube Vanced App?

The Vanced commonly known as YouTube Vanced is a popular third-party YouTube app for Android. Millions of users have installed the app on their android to block ads while watching YouTube videos. The video ad-blocking features in only available on the YouTube Premium subscription that is free on Youtube Vanced App.

Youtube Vanced App: Latest News

After a few years, this app going to shut and no updates will be released in the future. The developers take the decision after getting a legal threat from Google, the official owner of YouTube. The developers of the Youtube Vanced App have confirmed that they are shut down the app due to the threat.

On March 13, 2022, the developer team confirmed that it was sent a cease-and-desist letter from Google which forced it to stop developing and distributing the app. They confirmed it through a recent tweet from the official Twitter account. As a result, the app will be no longer available on their official website.

The technology team of Ogro News also confirmed that the developer removed the download link of the app. So, no one can download it from there and there will be no future updates as per the official notice.

Luckily, the app will continue working for anyone who already installed it on their phone. In addition, the app will stop working on some features soon without future updates.

Millions of users will miss future updates and provably face errors while using this app.

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(The above news first appeared on Ogro News on March 15, 2022, at 03:34 PM BST – Bangladesh Standard Time. For more news on Education, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, Festivals, Celebrities, Lifestyle, and Trending News, so bookmark our news portal OgroNews.com. Also, like our official Facebook Page, and Follow us on Twitter at @ogronewsbd).

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